How to let FOP2 server read/write remote Asterisk server config file?

I want to let FOP2 server read/write remote Asterisk server config file and show extensions (or more information) of Asterisk server to FOP2 Web.
I used "/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test" to sure that FOP2 and Asterisk connect OK!
My Asterisk server was running in docker container.
I am not sure how to achieve this goal.


  • FOP2 in itself is not used to write Asterisk configurations files, if that was your usage intention it might not be the right tool. Having said that, you can write a FOP2 plugin that can use Asterisk Manager commands to configure dialplans. How to use such commands is really outside of any kind of scope in this forum or FOP2 itself, you must have a deep knowledge of Asterisk... you willl be using FOP2 just as an AMI toolbox in that case.

    AMI Commands related to diaplan generator:


    Best regards,

  • Got it.
    Because I want to show extensions (or more information) of Asterisk server on FOP2 Web.
    I think it will be achieved after connecting remote Asterisk server and FOP2 successfully.
    But FOP2 Web only show its content in /usr/local/fop2/buttons.cfg.
    Thanks for your reply.

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