Info Icon not displaying

I have the fop2 up and running, the users are able to login and out of the queue, all seams to be working well.

I am unable to figure out how to get the info icon to show up next to the voicemail envelope.
as defined in the user manual:
Information Icon
This icon will show if the extension is paused showing a clock (for queue members). If the extension is engaged in a call that came from a queue, it will display an info icon that will show the queue from where the call came from when you mouse over it.

Is this a setting that i am missing. (all other aspects seam to work well, the agent can login, pause, logout, unpause)
The user can hangup, blind transfer, attended transfer, record, transfer to vmail etc)

The button config is as follows
Label=Ronald Hartmann
[email protected]

Any pointers on what to look for in the debug, or what setting i may be missing would be much appreciated.



  • I stand corrected, the Info Icon DOES pop up when you pause the agent, however, it does not provide the REASON for the pause. in the screen cast it shows the agent being paused for lunch. Then the Info Icon pops up and shows Paused(Lunch).

    When we replicate this same procedure, the Info Icon Shows up and just states Paused.

    I think it may be due to manager command on my version does not have the "Reason" field
    CLI>show manager command QueuePause
    Action: QueuePause
    Synopsis: Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable
    Privilege: agent,all

    I will edit the app_queue.c today and backport this
    REASON field
    , and see if that resolves the issue, more to come on that front.

    I do still have an issue where the info icon is not displaying when a call is offered to the agent. The agent can see the call and is able to answer the call and the Agent under the Queuelisting shows them on a call so all of that works, its just that the info button does not pop up as shown in the screen cast.

    Again any assistance is appreciated.


  • Ok I back ported the "Reason" code to the Manager interface for pausing the agents, and that has corrected the Info Icon issue. It is now showing the correct (Paused, Lunch).

    I am still unable to get the Info Icon to show up once the Agent takes a queue call. I assume it something to do with a context etc.

    If anyone knows what the "Event Block" is that the Info Icon is looking for on conneting an agent with a call, it would allow me to resolve that last item.

  • You must add


    To your queues.conf entry for every queue. Only then you will see the info icon showing the queue when an agent is connected to a queue call.

    Best regards,
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