Every character shows correctly but the queues

Hi Nicolás,

I've changed FOP2 to show traditional Chinese characters and most of them worked. However the queue members show a mess here. Please refer to [url:38uuy60q]http://photo.xuite.net/nicolewlin/3759057/1.jpg[/url:38uuy60q]The queue members information are retrieved from buttons.cfg as I know. And buttons.cfg is saved in UTF-8 format also. What I don't understand is why under [extensions] the characters show correctly but under [queue] they don't. Please help! I've tried everything I can.

The following is what I've modified,

1. Vi fop2.cfg
2. op_lang_big5.cfg is put under /usr/local/fop2/
3. buttons.cfg is saved as UTF-8 format
4. index.html is modified
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lang_utf8.js"> </script>

Thank you in advance.



  • Hi Nicole,

    The queue member list is not stored in a config file but retrieved from Asteirsk via the Asterisk Manager. I am not sure what you should be looking for the queue members to work correctly. Making extended characters work accross asteirsk, socket, javascript is hard. I am not sure what to look for to fix this. In any case, access to you machine would be a good start. Anyways, I am on vacations until january 18th. You can mail me directly then so we can work this out. Best regards,

    Nicolás Gudiño
  • I've sent an email to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. Hope you've got it.
  • Yes I did, and I replied. But Its not a simple thing, so I will have to review it when I get back from vacations. Best regards,
  • I have same problem with russian characters:

    Yes, queue members retrieved from Asterisk, but then replaced channels with labels (defined in fop2_buttons.conf)
  • I have same problem too.
    I tried to contact with authors via e-mail / support.asternic.biz, but I haven’t got any reply.

    Please, help!
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