Status/presence from mobile phones

Multiple GSM operators here in Denmark, offers "Mobile status" service, which means that it is possible to see the status on the users mobile phones in realtime. There are multiple commercial products (fx available for commercial PBX systems (MS Lync, Astra etc), but none for Asterisk/FOP.

So I would like to request such a feature in FOP2.

Best regards
Ulrik Andreassen


  • Hi,

    This feature is implemented by your GSM operator in partnerships with some other companies. I do not think it is something companies would be willing to share with open source pbx systems.
  • Hi.
    OK, but lets play with the thought that the GSM operators would share technical information about such a system, would it then be likely, that we/you could develop such a system for FOP2?
  • Depends. Fop2 does not poll for information, and I do not want to have it to poll anything.. if the gsm operator pushes states to our own service, then it might be possible.
  • Hi again.
    I have a simple technical paper in PDF from our upcoming operator (Telia). May I send it to you by email, so you can review it and let me know your thoughts. To me it seems like the operator pushes the information to a web service in our end.
  • Sure, you can send it to me via email or attach it here. whatever you like. I am really really busy right now so I will not have much spare time to read long spec files, but if I have a minute I will give it a quick look.
  • Sounds interesting, can you please send it to me also?
  • Sure, you can send it to me via email or attach it here. whatever you like. I am really really busy right now so I will not have much spare time to read long spec files, but if I have a minute I will give it a quick look.

    OK, what is your email address?

  • OK, what is your email address?

    In this link you will have a valid contact address:
  • Hi Ulrik,

    Thanks for the .pdf. Telia pushes state via a SOAP web service, so it would be possible to write a system that receives those state change notifications and publish them via Asterisk to be interpreted by FOP2 or other apps.

    Anyways, as FOP2 monitors asterisk devices, I do not see exactly how do you envision the integration with the panel itself? To have custom buttons showing only state for cell phones ?

    There is another thing that is problematic, if a status event is lost, state will be incorrect. You could get an event changing a state to busy, then your web service / internet becomes unavailable, and you will get a busy phone foerever or up until a new event is received.

    There is also no way to get the current state of your mobile phones upon server startup/restart. Perhaps there is another spec from Telia describing how to poll for initial status.
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